Ujjayi Breath
When I was first taught how to do ujjayi pranayama it was described to me as the Darth Vader breath because that's how you sound. Or if you ask my sister it sounds like you're snoring. I've been using this breathe a lot while meditating because it helps my mind focus inward instead of on the things that pop up in my head. On Sunday I took an amazing yoga class with Brook Cheatham at Vibe Yoga in Allen, TX - http://vibeyoga.com/ During the class she encouraged us to keep the ujjayi breath with us as we transitioned from pose to pose. When I sat down to meditate that evening I noticed such a difference. I was able to take deeper and fuller breaths and I had such a good night sleep when I went to bed. It does energize your body so doing it right before bed may not work for some but most things don't affect my ability to sleep so I had no problem.
To practice Ujjayi Pranayama
1.) Sit in a comfortable position. For many sukhasana, or a variation of it (see image below), is comfortable but if this doesn't work for you sit in a position that will not cause pain or discomfort.
2.) Lower your chin slightly and bring your awareness to your breath.
3.) Constrict your throat slightly and feel the breath moving along the back of your throat. As you inhale try to get your throat to make a Saaaaa sound and as you exhale try making a Haaaas sound. Your mouth is closed on both the in & exhale. Make the breath as even as possible. So the same amount of time its takes you to inhale is the same amount of time you want the exhale to be.
Your breathing should be audible and airy and it may take some getting use to. Keep trying. You'll know you're doing it right if you sound like Darth Vader. Continue breathing this way as long as its comfortable but if your breath becomes choppy stop and continue at another time.
Ujjayi breathing helps to improve your concentration and endurance in addition to helping to oxygenate your blood which increases your energy level. For more benefits check out http://www.livestrong.com/article/132839-ujjayi-breathing-benefits/
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