
Monday, July 8, 2013


I'm on my second to last day of a month long squat challenge and honestly there were days that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it.  But God is good and I can now see the finish line.  I can definitely tell the difference in my leg strength and size however the most important thing for me is that I committed to this challenge and followed through.  I have serious commitment issues so this is a huge deal for me.  Its kind of like the forming or breaking a habit rule - If you Do Not or Do something for at least 21days them you will Break or Form a Habit.  This challenge has motivated me & is something I'm going to continue. 

I'm going to pick another exercise to start after I finish the squats and I'm even taking it a step further and picking another area of my life to challenge myself in.  I'm doing a Daily Meditation Challenge starting today and continuing for 31 days straight.  Regardless of how my daily tasks change or where I travel to I am committed to meditating for at least 15 minutes.  If you have done this type of challenge please give feedback on what your experience has been or if you would like support, reach out and we can do regular check-ins to keep each other accountable. 

Here is the format of the Squat Challenge I did but you can always modify to make it more assessable for your fitness level.

Good Luck!

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