
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Third Eye Chakra


               So I've been doing really well on my meditation challenge but I'm not even going to lie and say I haven't missed any days.  I've missed a total of 3 and before, that may have prevented me from continuing but thank you Jesus hallelujah I'm in a different place now.  I understand that everyday is not going to go as planned but we adjust and keep it moving.  Sometimes our plan, isn't God's plan.  Since starting the challenge however, I do feel a lot stronger and more grounded.  For about the last week+ my concentration has been on the Third Eye Chakra a.k.a Ajna and I can feel and see the difference in myself.  I was recently at the Dallas Meditation Center for a meditation/yoga workshop and the focus was on the 7 central chakras which run along the center of our body.  The main area that kept sticking out to me was the Third Eye.  I've been feeling a lack of direction and focus and oddly enough I've been noticing owls a lot which I learned is connected to the Ajna chakra.  So I decided to do some research and have found a big correlation between my life and this sixth chakra.  When there is an imbalance you may experience lack of focus and your sense of purpose may be off; um that was me to a T.  When you're balanced however, you will experience more clarity and your imagination will improve; and that is what I'm starting to experience now.  The color that governs this 6th main chakra is indigo and it's located in the area between your eyebrows.  You can focus your attention on these aspects as well as incorporating lavender scents into your space and holding or visualizing an amethyst crystal while you meditate.

Meditating for some people can be extremely difficult because the more we try to quiet the mind, the more active it wants to become.  Start with Dharana which is focusing your mind on one thing which will then help your mind to release all thoughts; don't worry this is definitely a process.  It's not something that will happen overnight and needs to be practiced frequently because the more we practice the better we become.  If all you can do is 5 minutes then start there and be happy about starting there.  I like to read some type of spiritual text before I meditate and then I'll reflect on the lesson that connects to where I'm at now.  There are endless ways to go about meditating but the important thing is find a way that connects with who you are.  Active Meditation is also a great way to start your meditation practice if you experience ADHD a little more than the rest of us.
Regardless of which route you take just start somewhere and the picture will become clearer. 

"Practice and all is coming." - Pattabhi Jois

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sutra 2:1 - Purification

I have not been feeling well the last couple of days and its not just physical.  My whole being has been off and I really wasn't understanding why.  This morning I made a cup of tea and sat down to read.  My go to book right now is The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and I read from the 2nd Book - Sadhana Pada, Portion on Practice.  Verse 2:1 states:
"Accepting pain as help for purification, study of spiritual books, and surrender to the Supreme Being constitute Yoga in practice."
Sri Swami Satchidananda uses gold as an example by saying the more you fire gold the more pure it becomes.  The question is then asked "But how can this burning process be effected with our mental impurities?  By accepting all the pain that comes to us, even though the nature of the mind is to run after pleasure.  We will actually be happy to receive pain if we keep in mind its purifying effects."
As I sat down and meditated I viewed this feeling I've been carrying differently.  I know that God has some work when it come to me and there are a lot of habits, mental and physical, that I need to release.  And that's exactly how my body has been feeling; as if something is trying to come out of me.  So I gave thanks for this feeling of purification and for all of the blessings I'm given everyday.
Perception is Powerful

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Aliko Dangote

Africa's Richest Man
I feel like there is so much that I still need to learn especially when it comes to business and really just understanding life in general.  It's 1:03am in Texas and the rain is not only coming down but the lightening has come to join it.  I can't sleep and part of that is because I can't breathe.  There is a heaviness in my chest that has been lodged here for some time but today it seems like its been trying to escape all day.  I know God and of that I'm certain but sometimes I know I don't listen.  I've been called stubborn before as well as other variations of that but tonight I am all ears and God has spoken load and clear....again.  This video is not the first that I've heard of Mr. Dangote but whenever I'm doubting myself this is the man that God places in my path.  I've yet to travel to Nigeria but I have spent some time in Ghana and I know that being apart of the Pan-African Movement is part of my journey.  He is impacting Africa in a positive way and his net worth of 20.1 Billion Dollars is not just putting money in his own pocket but is also impacting other Africans in a positive way as well.  The goal isn't to be just like him it's to learn from Aliko Dangote and fulfill our own purpose which directly and indirectly affects positive change in others. 
P.S. - Now I don't know about them 18 hour days but a sistah definitely has some more work to do.


Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Breath
       When I was first taught how to do ujjayi pranayama it was described to me as the Darth Vader breath because that's how you sound.  Or if you ask my sister it sounds like you're snoring.   I've been using this breathe a lot while meditating because it helps my mind focus inward instead of on the things that pop up in my head.  On Sunday I took an amazing yoga class with Brook Cheatham at Vibe Yoga in Allen, TX -  During the class she encouraged us to keep the ujjayi breath with us as we transitioned from pose to pose.  When I sat down to meditate that evening I noticed such a difference.  I was able to take deeper and fuller breaths and I had such a good night sleep when I went to bed.  It does energize your body so doing it right before bed may not work for some but most things don't affect my ability to sleep so I had no problem. 
To practice Ujjayi Pranayama
1.) Sit in a comfortable position.  For many sukhasana, or a variation of it (see image below), is comfortable but if this doesn't work for you sit in a position that will not cause pain or discomfort. 
2.) Lower your chin slightly and bring your awareness to your breath. 
3.) Constrict your throat slightly and feel the breath moving along the back of your throat.  As you inhale try to get your throat to make a Saaaaa sound and as you exhale try making a Haaaas sound.  Your mouth is closed on both the in & exhale.  Make the breath as even as possible.  So the same amount of time its takes you to inhale is the same amount of time you want the exhale to be. 
Your breathing should be audible and airy and it may take some getting use to. Keep trying.  You'll know you're doing it right if you sound like Darth Vader.  Continue breathing this way as long as its comfortable but if your breath becomes choppy stop and continue at another time. 
Ujjayi breathing helps to improve your concentration and endurance in addition to helping to oxygenate your blood which increases your energy level.  For more benefits check out


Friday, July 12, 2013

           I use to feel inspired just leaving the house and riding the train in Philly.  As I waited on the platform I would conjure up entertaining ways to allow my mind to take its own trip as well.  Now, not so much.  I think I slowly started closing myself off to things and people and it wasn't a conscious decision but still a choice was made.  I'm aware of it now because I am conscious of the choice to shift in a different direction.  I like to write but haven't done so in some time.  I enjoy drawing but can't remember the last time my pencil formed an image.  Tonight I was inspired and look forward to reconnecting. 
I went to the Dallas Poetry Slam in North Dallas, TX and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I listened, LMAO at the titty talk and walked away feeling a pulse that I haven't felt in some time.  The poetry open mic is like a yoga class in the sense that it is a judge free zone.  You open yourself up to and are met with the support & encouragement of strangers that offer healing in a way that those closest to you sometimes can't provide.  It's not so much about what they've done but more about the courage you have to take that step on stage.  Now with that said I didn't drop any lines tonight but I'll share the pic when I do. 

September 18, 2010

I wish him peace
Peace because I’m not sure he has somethings on his mind
The love of his God
The love of his family
The love of himself that will take his life for the love of the cause he is fighting for
What about the DVD man?
Do you think he has peaceof the profit from selling those DVDs up & down Broad Street
Line of thought that I’m traveling on to get me back home
Inspiration is everywhere


Tuesday, July 9, 2013


At the end of my yoga practice and meditating I end with "Namaste."  I define it as the higher being in me acknowledges & bows to the higher being in you.  It acts almost like a starting point as I get up from the mat because I want everything to stem from this higher place.  As I navigate through my day I want to be in alignment with the person I not only am but also want to become.  Yoga has a great explanation & more in depth article on the meaning and use of this endearment and affirmation: Meaning of Namaste by Aadil Palkhivala.  So as you move through your day not only acknowledge the greatness in you but also connect with those around you.

If the sun isn't shinning where you are today, create your own light. 


Monday, July 8, 2013


I'm on my second to last day of a month long squat challenge and honestly there were days that I wasn't sure if I was going to make it.  But God is good and I can now see the finish line.  I can definitely tell the difference in my leg strength and size however the most important thing for me is that I committed to this challenge and followed through.  I have serious commitment issues so this is a huge deal for me.  Its kind of like the forming or breaking a habit rule - If you Do Not or Do something for at least 21days them you will Break or Form a Habit.  This challenge has motivated me & is something I'm going to continue. 

I'm going to pick another exercise to start after I finish the squats and I'm even taking it a step further and picking another area of my life to challenge myself in.  I'm doing a Daily Meditation Challenge starting today and continuing for 31 days straight.  Regardless of how my daily tasks change or where I travel to I am committed to meditating for at least 15 minutes.  If you have done this type of challenge please give feedback on what your experience has been or if you would like support, reach out and we can do regular check-ins to keep each other accountable. 

Here is the format of the Squat Challenge I did but you can always modify to make it more assessable for your fitness level.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Patience, Devotion & Faith - Sutra 1:14

Patience, Devotion & Faith

          I relocated to Texas for a few months and I'm feeling like I need to ground myself, quickly.  I'm looking forward to spending time with my family down here and checking out a part of the country that I'm not that familiar with.  I like to move around and I now tell people that I'm bi-continental because I live between the U.S. and Ghana in West Africa.  I like it too much :) Moving around disrupts the consistency of my practice sometimes so I have to be super mindful to bring it back to center.  I try not to be hard on myself when the inconsistency kicks in but I do need to honor my commitment to myself  which means daily practice.  So today I'm starting with The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Translation & Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda -
Book 1:14 (Samadhi Pada)
Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break and in all earnestness.
*The first qualification for the practice is that it should be done for a long time.  Unfortunately, we just want the result immediately.
*So it must be continuous practice also.
*And the last qualification: in all "earnestness." That means with full attention, with the entire application of your mind, and with full faith in your achievement.
"So let us not be like little children who sow a seed today and dig it up tomorrow to see how much the root went down.  We need all these three qualities: Patience, Devotion and Faith."