Sutra 2.1
Accepting Pain As help for Purification,
Study of Spiritual Books & Surrender to the Supreme Being
constitute Yoga in practice.
*(The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Translation & Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda)
Tapas means "to burn or create heat." By accepting all the pain that comes to us, even though the nature of the mind is to run after pleasure. Tapas also refers to self-discipline Although control of the senses & organs seems to bring pain in the beginning, it eventually ends in happiness. *(The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Translation & Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda)
~ If tapas is understood in this light, we will look forward to pain; we will even thank people who cause it, since they are giving us the opportunity to steady our minds & burn out impurities.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna divides the true austerities into 3 groups: Physical, Verbal, Mental
1. Physical: Worship, purity, straightforwardness, celibacy & non-injury
2. Verbal: Speech should bring tranquility and be truthful, pleasant & beneficial.
3. Mental: Svadhyaya meaning study of the true Self
In reading the scriptures we slowly rise-up, expanding the mind. The more we elevate the mind, the better our understanding is. However the Self cannot be know by theory alone. Only when you transcend the mind can you understand it.
It is when you start quoting from your own experience that your words have weight.
Limit your reading and put into practice what you read. Select anything that will remind you of your goal.
Surrendering to the Supreme Being. I understand this to mean dedicating the fruits of your actions to God or to humanity - God in manifestation
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