Full Moon Ceremony
June's Full Moon is being called a Super Moon because this is the closest it will get to earth all year thus being more visible and brighter to us here on earth. To read up more on that check out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/20/supermoon-june-2013-perigee-moon_n_3461899.html
I like to have full moon ceremonies every few months and I'm especially looking fwd to doing one tonight. (Technically the full moon isn't until tomorrow, June 23rd at like 1:something a.m., so I'm doing mine tonight.) Some people get weirded out when you mention having a ceremony for the moon. My take on it is that we perform these various ceremonies, whether it be for the moon, sun or fire, to pay homage to nature's influence in our lives. I have this affinity towards the full moon but maybe that's because I feel I have so much to purge. My connection could also be to the feminine energy that the moon is said to represent. The moon is the yin energy and the sun is her balancing opposite, the yang. When the moon reaches it's fullness we have a stronger connection to the energy it holds and can use this time to help us release.
Some of the things you may want to let go of are habits that don't serve you, relationships that are unhealthy or even belief systems that no longer represent who you are. I've done ceremonies by myself, in a group and over the phone so its really whatever works for you. The most important thing you will need to bring is intent. I'll kinda do a list of things you can do to help prepare for the ceremony but the thought, intent, and energy that you breathe into the process is what's most important.
*I like to start with some yoga:
This can be a full hour of yoga or just a few postures to help relax your body. Because you will be sitting for a little you want to be as comfortable as possible so why not start by making some room within the body.
*Set-up an area under direct moonlight, if possible, so you can have direct flow with the moon. Fill a small bowl with water and also have an empty fire proof bowl or pot there as well. The water bowl is present because the moon has a strong gravitational pull on water so it will help us to maximize our ability to connect with the moons energy. The fire proof bowl will be used later so have matches/lighter handy.
-Burn Sage/Incense - To cleanse the energy around the space. I walk around the area praying
-Light a White Candle - Improvise if you don't have one. I then sit down (on a cushion on the floor if accessible) and pray for positive energy to now fill the space
-Present an Offering - Fruit, Stone or Crystal etc. (Don't get geeked up on this part just omit if you're not digging it.) Its not a cult thing you're not doing a animal sacrifice. The offering represents the good intent that you're offering up.
-Call on Ancestors and Spiritual Guides - The old heads know so definitely seek out their guidance and support
-Pieces of Paper - Write on small pieces of paper the thing(s) that you're releasing. Write each one on a separate piece of paper if you have multiple. Place them either in your hand or on the floor in front of you.
*Spend the next 15min + meditating and praying to the Most High about the things that you are releasing. Reflect on what these changes mean to you and what positive things you'd like to now incorporate into your life.
when finished
*Light the pieces of paper on fire and place them in the fire proof bowl. Make a statement aloud or silently that you are releasing xyz. Repeat for each one.
*On a new piece of paper write something positive that you are now bringing into your life. Take this with you when you're finished and place it somewhere visible so you can read it each day.
to end the ceremony
*Say a small closing prayer and end by sharing a Namaste with the moon - Acknowledging the light within all of us.
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